wanted: sterile guy

19 03 2007

On my way home from the office I can’t help but ponder on my friend’s latest predicament. After several years of resting low on relationship, she told me she suddenly had this longing to have one. There were and are that pursue her but her experience with the last one dismayed her. The guy wanted to be more intimate.

I’ve always known her to be liberal and she is very much aware that it is a part of the relationship. And so her dilemma right now is she wanted to have a relationship without the sex part.

I immediately ruled out the “can’t perform the deed” reason. Like those of our generation (well not really), she had her share of wild impulses and ranging hormones others, myself included, had lavishly indulged in.

Back then, she didn’t mind justifying those ungodly acts to adolescence as if we were mere victims of circumstances. But I guess her coming to age, not to mention her pious roots, changed her by a mile. She is committed to being and staying celibate.

She asked me if it is possible to have a sex-less relationship. In jest I replied with a dog maybe. Bu the fact that most of our ka-berks (generation) nowadays perceive sex as a value-added perk to a relationship, the idea of sex-less one is remote.

Personally, I find it intricate to not have it in my relationship. More than the guilty pleasure of the flesh, it binds couple to a certain level. It re-assures each others commitment. It gives more than I can ever expressed in words because I love the one I shared it with. To some, I may look like I’m simply rationalizing what is morally wrong by their standard. But I wouldn’t really care about them because as far as I am concern, I am genuinely certain of what I feel.

Anyway, she further added that it would be okay on her part if her will-be-lover do the deed with others (during the time their together) so long as his heart belongs to her. I wouldn’t really commend her for this. It’s freaking me out honestly. Call it liberal or what have you, open-relationship or swinging is still not a real relationship in my books.

Hearing those from her sadden me.

We ended up the conversation not really resolving her concerns. But my last suggestion might actually work – a sterile guy (ROFL). We parted ways laughing our hearts out.

Anyway, any 20 something, single, professional, good-looking, sterile guy reading this or you know of kindly drop me a few lines and let’s help my friend.